Humans have a habit of overcomplicating things, and this unfortunate trait follows them into the workplace as well. Many of us like to think of ourselves as neat and tidy, but some people weren’t born with the natural discipline required to maintain an orderly space. Thankfully, this is a skill that can easily be learned with a little practice. The best place to start is undoubtedly the workplace. This bustling environment is rife with complexity in everything from filing to office layout. With a little practice, your company can simplify, streamline and enjoy a more breathable and pleasant workplace.
Whether you share space in an open environment or you have your own private office, you can start practicing minimalism in a number of ways. As an employee, take advantage of what space and office furniture you’ve been given to compartmentalize everything from files to stationery, and even personal items. Ditch Post-It Notes in favor of a digital calendar and organizer system that notifies you via smartphone when you have an up-and-coming engagement.
Employers can take part here as well by purchasing office furniture that is both minimalist contemporary in style, as well as highly functional. Think streamlined office desks and no-nonsense filing systems that blend with your office aesthetic and keep things looking fresh. For team desk layouts, consider a flexible option such as our own OrbitPods series that can be set up any way you desire. And finally, don’t skimp on comfort when it comes to selecting chairs. No matter how attractive the price may be, it’s best to invest a little more to keep employees (and yourself) feeling comfy and energetic throughout the day.
Tech-oriented companies are plagued by one curse that won’t be going away anytime soon, and that’s cabling. With so many computers and other devices placed throughout the office, there’s bound to be multiple cables per machine, and that’s a lot of wires to hide. Modern office furniture is big on cable management systems that not only neatly compartmentalize wiring for the purposes of convenience and safety, but also for aesthetic value. There’s nothing quite as unsightly as a jumble of wiring, and mitigating this problem can make the office look much cleaner and more attractive. We carry many pieces of office furniture with built-in electrical options to make this process even easier.
Break rooms don’t have to be fancy or complex, either. SImple yet comfortable furniture can revitalize a commons area and make it feel more positive, free-spirited and fun. Once again, make sure comfort is a top priority here, and don’t be afraid to spend a little more. Happy and enthusiastic workers are far more productive. Don’t neglect minimalism when it comes to things like coffee and goodies, either. Invest in a sleek coffee maker and some brew pods in a wide assortment of flavors in order to cut down on the mess.
And finally, every employer should push an “out with the old, in with the new” mentality in order to keep the office looking clean and vibrant. Many humans are natural pack rats who will keep everything on the off chance that it may come in handy one day. While this is sometimes the case, it’s not uncommon to see employees (and employers, for that matter) clinging on to tattered fax machines, beaten furniture and old PS/2-based keyboards from 25 years ago. If you haven’t yet had the chance to do a little “fall cleaning,” now’s the time. Ditch (or responsibly dispose of) all the things in your office that haven’t been used in the last 6-12 months. Chances are you won’t be needing them. Exercise a modicum of caution so as not to get rid of certain speciality items that you may need in certain rare moments.
With the world still adjusting to getting back into the office, now’s a great time to start implementing a fresh new strategy for your workplace environment. After all, employees coming back into the fold are going to want to feel confident and energized to get back into the swing of things. By using minimalist principles in your office, you’ll look more polished, professional and capable. That’s great news for employees, and your visiting clients.
For more information on how to choose the right office furniture to fit a minimalist office refresh, please get in contact with us today. We’ll be happy to help you choose.