Fabrics and Finishes
- Laminates
- Paint
- Softscape
- Acrylics
- Handles
- Fabric G1 - Anchorage 1 of 2
- Fabric G1 - Anchorage 2 of 2
- Fabric G1 - Palette
- Fabric G1 - Quadrille
- Fabric G1 - Felt
- Fabric G1 - Punch Card
- Fabric G1 - Input
- Fabric G1 - Intuition
Material Description
All Fluidconcepts standard laminates are available in TFL or HPL. Fluidconcepts utilizes 3/4" and 1" thick subtrates for worksurfaces and storage.
TFL - Thermofused Laminate
TFL is thermally bonded paper applied to particleboard or MDF panel substrates. TFL finished on two sides as it is applied to the front and back of the panel to keep the panel balanced. TFL is used on worksurfaces, storage case and fronts.
HPL - High Pressure Laminate
HPL is a more durable laminate than TFL. HPL is more costly than TFL and generally used in areas with higher use where additional durability and impact resistance is needed (i.e. institutional, education) It is made of several sheets of paper that get bonded together using high pressure. Generally, worksurfaces and/or storage fronts utilize HPL where needed.
Default Grommet Colors by Laminate Finish
While a choice of grommet color is available, please CLICK HERE to see a list of fluidconcepts' default grommet colors by laminate finish.
Please note that Treo is the exception to this rule. All Treo units will default to BLACK grommets.
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Nova White (NW / HPNW)
Folkstone Grey (FG / HPFG)
Canadian Grey (GR / HPGR)
Stainless (ST / HPST)
Charcoal (CH / HPCH)
Black (BL / HPBL)
Fresco (FR / HPFR)
Silverwood (SW / HPSW)
Data (DT / HPDT)
Blackwood (BW / HPBW)
Storm (SM / HPSM)
Acacia (AC / HPAC)
Hard Rock Maple (HM / HPHM)
Ginger (GT / HPGT)
Eclipse (EC / HPEC)
Kindle (KD / HPKD)
Grigio (GG / HPGG)
Rustik Cherry (RU / HPRU)
Resonance (RS / HPRS)
Summer Flame (SU - HPSU)
Wild Cherry (WC / HPWC)
Concrete Grooves (CG/HPCG)
fluidconcepts standard paint colors are electrostatically coated. Post and Beam components are standard in an anodized satin finish. Other custom colors are available at a Grade 2 price. Please contact our design department or customer service.
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ANO/Silver PPL
Charcoal PCH
Folkstone Grey PFG
Black PBL
White PWT
Material Description
Our acrylics are in 1/8" or 1/4" thicknesses depending on the application and product.
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AC1 - Clear
AF1 - Frosted
AW1 - White (Writeable)
ALB1 - Light Blue (Gr. 2)
AOR1 - Orange (Gr. 2)
AGR1 - Green (Gr. 2)
ASM1 - Smoke (Gr. 2)
Fabric G1 - Anchorage 1 of 2
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2335-2843 Orchid
2335-2842 Pool
2335-2841 Turquoise
2335-2840 Fern
2335-2839 Lemon
2335-2692 Magenta
2335-2691 Waterfall
2335-2664 White
2335-2130 Vanilla
2335-2129 Birch
2335-2094 Lapis
2335-2093 Fossil
2335-2091 Poppy
2335-2090 Goldenrod
2335-2087 Green Apple
2335-2085 Thistle
2335-2084 Geranium
2335-2083 Coffee Bean
2335-2079 Graphite
2335-2077 Sea
2335-2053 Asteroid
2335-2051 Deep Water
2335-2050 Cumin
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BX1 - Box
BR1 - Bar
NW - Nickel Wide Wire
KW - Black Wide Wire
N1 - Tear Drop - Nickel
K1 - Tear Drop - Black
Material Description
Softscape is a PET material made from recycled plastic with good tackability and acoustic dampening qualities.
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1-Silver Grey - SS03
2-Medium Grey - SS18
3-Charcoal - SS04
4-Black - SS09
Medium Blue - SS05*
Fabric G1 - Anchorage 2 of 2
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2335-2049 Goose
2335-2048 Green Olive
2335-2047 Eucalyptus
2335-2045 Cobalt
2335-2044 Mulberry
2335-2036 Aubergine
2335-2035 Angora
2335-2034 Straw
2335-2028 Willow
2335-2027 Wolf
2335-2026 Quarry Blue
2335-2025 Midnight
2335-2022 Pine Needle
2335-2021 Pumpkin
2335-2020 Amber
2335-2017 Slate
2335-2016 Onyx
2335-2014 Red Delicious
Fabric G1 - Palette
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2155-1131 Chamomile
2155-1132 Alkanet
2155-1133 Birch Bark
2155-1134 Iron
2155-1135 Cutch
2155-1136 Alder
2155-1137 Acorn
2155-1138 Walnut
2155-1139 Murex
2155-1140 Sumac
2155-1141 Paprika
2155-1142 Annatto
2155-1143 Sandalwood
2155-1144 Sunflower
2155-1145 Artichoke
2155-1146 Sorrel
2155-1147 Spinach
2155-1148 Nettle
2155-1149 Lichen
2155-1150 Saxon Blue
2155-1151 Cornflower
2155-1152 Indigo
2155-1153 Knotweed
2155-1154 Logwood
Fabric G1 - Quadrille
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4701-1001 Fair
4701-1002 Cabaret
4701-1003 Gambol
4701-1005 Regalia
4701-1006 Spring
4701-1007 Zest
4701-1008 Fiesta
4701-1009 Carnival
4701-1010 Spree
4701-1011 Jubilee
4701-1012 Opus
4701-1013 Masquerade
4701-1014 Soiree
4701-1015 Revelry
4701-1016 Escapade
4701-1017 Shenanigan
Fabric G1 - Felt
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9900-3049 Azalea
9900-3051 Aegean
9900-3052 Sky
9900-3053 Liberty
9900-3054 Deep Sea
9900-3055 Aluminum
9900-3056 Pebble
9900-3057 Sterling
9900-3059 Ebony
9900-3062 Dune
9900-3063 Latte
9900-3065 Cork
9900-3066 Mink
9900-3204 Maize
9900-3206 Ivory
9900-3210 Pear
9900-3362 Cherry
Fabric G1 - Punch Card
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1242-1301 Alabaster
1242-1302 Carbon
1242-1303 Putty
1242-1304 Silver Lining
1242-1305 Crisp
1242-1306 Sky
1242-1307 Crimson
1242-1308 Orange
1242-1309 Navy
1242-1310 Cadet
1242-1311 Burgundy
1242-1312 Peat
1242-1313 Abyss
Fabric G1 - Input
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5598-1471 Cloud
5598-1472 Dove
5598-1473 Coal
5598-1474 Jet
5598-1475 Fossil
5598-1476 Bisque
5598-1477 Lime
5598-1478 Pine
5598-1479 Mint
5598-1480 Tiffany
5598-1481 Sky
5598-1482 Delft
5598-1483 Midnight
5598-1484 Orchid
5598-1485 Raisin
5598-1486 Crimson
5598-1487 Flame
5598-1488 Squash
Fabric G1 - Intuition
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